INTERVIEW: Merkules about new Music, his Life, Drugs and more

Check out our exclusive interview with the Canadian rapper Merkules during his European tour! Live videos are coming soon aswell!

Big Shoutout to:
Lion Wear for providing us with dope clothes!
NK Beats (Sechs Vier) and Young Aspect for the Beats!
Galvanik Zug for offering they’re Location for the Interview!
Our Sponsor Lo Spazio GmbH for holding us down!
And of course everyone from Ephin Apparel, Stealth Bomb Records, Stompdown Killaz, Good Friday Ent. and 100 MAD!

And finally, thanks to Merkules Stevenson for taking time for the interview and the great show he played last friday in Zug for us!

Much love for the whole team behind the scenes!

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